RELAG user day at SEP Logistik AG:

In September we welcomed 35 participants to our RELAG user day at our company location in Weyarn. Experts from our customers and partners were there to exchange ideas about the developments and innovations in our intralogistics solutions in a relaxed format. We were able to welcome long-standing but also new partners, for example from Fritz Egger GmbH & Co. OG, Lindner Group KG, Welser Profile Austria GmbH, LMH, KRONOSPAN GmbH and many more.

Insight into the innovations in SEP intralogistics solutions:

We put together a varied program for this. After the welcome by our chairman Prof. Dr. Demmelmeier, board member Konrad Schneider and board member Markus Fischbacher and a round of introductions by the company representatives present, Markus Fischbacher presented current developments at SEP Logistik AG. In particular, he discussed the takeover of the business unit of XR-Systems GmbH in Aschheim near Munich, whose experience with national and international companies with a focus on the wood materials industry will be brought to SEP Logistik AG through the takeover.

Konrad Schneider gave an insight into the technical innovations at SEP Logistik AG. In addition to innovations in the material flow system, he also addressed the increasing use of AI as an important factor in intralogistics. The use of AGVs is now widespread for increasing efficiency in our customers’ warehouses. This is why SEP maintains good contacts with all major manufacturers such as Linde, Dematic, STILL, Solving, Toyota and Rocla.

After a short break, input from customers and partners followed:

Tassilo Habig from the KION Group spoke about the 5-year partnership with Linde Material Handling. He also addressed the challenges of logistics in the future, in particular the use of artificial intelligence as well as software and automation in the various areas of intralogistics. Mr. Brunner from GRUMA is an experienced partner for hardware and many other topics such as energy management and safety systems. He emphasized the long-standing good cooperation and presented the product range of GRUMA Nutzfahrzeuge GmbH.

Impulse from the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences:

Daniel Hronek from the Rosenheim University of Applied Sciences gave an exciting lecture about Generation Z and their demands on the job market. The young generation particularly values ​​meaningful work, a good feedback culture, good career opportunities with continuous learning and development opportunities, and a work environment with flat hierarchies and a collegial working environment. After the lectures and the professional exchange on our company premises, all participants went to the Rosenheim Autumn Festival. In the Flötzinger festival tent, the innovations in intralogistics were further discussed and networked over bread, chicken and beer. We received direct feedback from our customers and partners on our user day – in particular, the innovations from the technology department and the design refresh of the RELAG system were very well received!